Thursday, November 10, 2011

My Artist Statement

My name is Rachel Roiger, and I enjoy art. I have never really gotten into art not because I didn't want to take more art classes, but because I wanted to concentrate on other subjects in school. I'm glad I took art again in my Senior year, because it reminded me on how much I like and enjoy art.

Art is fun to do. There are many different things I can do. My favorite types of art would be drawing and painting. I like how I can blend everything together to make it look smooth, rough, and sharp, and I can make it any texture that I want it to be. It's not like any other class in school where I have to do it exactly like this or exactly like that to be right. I can make it how I want to and not be wrong.

I make art because for me it's a good outlet for my emotions and feelings. My every thought and feeling can be put into one piece of art. After that, most of the time I feel good.

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